The Social Creative NFT Marketplace for Philanthropy & Creatives
Kokoro is an “Opensea and a Kickstarter” NFT Marketplace for Philanthropy and Creatives.
Buy a Gift of Love to Make the World a Creative and Graceful Place
Help the Needy with Us
Support the Creatives in Us
Kokoro consists of 3 parts
A Marketplace for Philanthropy and Fundraising at the same time supporting creatives works from Creatives and the Underserved
A Metaverse which is a 3D Virtual World geo-linked and mapped to earth to have the Patrons and Philanthropist engage, share and track all the programs happening in different parts of the world and they can also participate
A Real Physical Space for Shelter and Help for the Needy and a Co-Create space for Non-profits and Creatives globally
Kokoro serves Triple Bottomlines
Help the Needy with Philanthropic fundraising and projects
Teach Needy to Create for an Income
Support the Creatives to help the Needy
Why was Kokoro is created?
To help the needy and the underserved through raising funds by the sale of the Creative NFTs
To help the needy and underserved learn creative skills to produce the Creative NFTs for
To help the Creatives to support the social
To help the Charities & Non-Profits raise funds for beneficiaries and projects
To provide an NFT marketplace where the KYC of the Charities and Non-profits and the fundraise and projects are genuine and implementable
To provide a 3D Virtual world to engage our Patrons where they can share the creatives NFTs they own as well as track the good work their donations are helping in our Geo-location linked Metaverse (means land in our Metaverse is link to the geo-location of the real world) to see global wide charity projects and the reporting of their results
To provide Real Spaces to help the Needy and Underserved and Creatives work together with Phygital Features to provide AR, VR and Real experiences
What is the Social Creative ?
The next revolution for the survival of Mankind is not an industrial revolution or a technology revolution.
With AI and technology, the revolution is a Human revolution.
The survival of the Human race hinges upon 2 important qualities that makes us Human and is necessary for the future economic, social, political, ecological, and survival of earth - they are the Social and the Creative.
For our survival, we need to live as one humankind – every lives matters – the Social
For our survival, we need to have the ability to imagine and to create to meet all forms of new challenges – the Creative
The Social Creative is the WHO each one of us needs to be – to ensure the survival of us as a human race sharing one planet earth
We need to help each other Live and be Creative
We need to be the Social Creative, and KOKORO will help you get there