
The Social Creative NFT Marketplace for Philanthropy & Creatives


Kokoro is an “Opensea and a Kickstarter” NFT Marketplace for Philanthropy and Creatives.

Kokoro consists of 3 parts

Kokoro serves Triple Bottomlines

Why was Kokoro is created?

What is the Social Creative ?

The next revolution for the survival of Mankind is not an industrial revolution or a technology revolution.

With AI and technology, the revolution is a Human revolution.

The survival of the Human race hinges upon 2 important qualities that makes us Human and is necessary for the future economic, social, political, ecological, and survival of earth  - they are the Social and the Creative.

The Social Creative is the WHO each one of us needs to be – to ensure the survival of us as a human race sharing one planet earth

We need to help each other Live and be Creative

We need to be the Social Creative, and KOKORO will help you get there